Wednesday 18 November 2020

Quinn's Code - Morgendorffers vs. Amazon Part 3

 “ then Ms. Li admits they're doing this to pay for new bulletproof skylights. The whole thing's enough to turn your stomach. Which I guess is good if you want to be a model; eases the transition to bulimia,” Daria said, talking to her parents, shortly before dinner.

You really feel strongly about this,” her mother, Helen, said.

What do you mean?” Daria asked.

Well... you're talking to us,” Helen said.

Daria had to admit that she did, otherwise she would not have gone to her parents about. Complaining to Jane and Jennifer only did so much. 'There has to be something Mom can do,' she thought.

I'm glad you feel strongly about it, Daria, and for the record, I agree with you,” Helen said.

So do I!” Daria's father, Jake, said.

These people sounds like opportunists feeding off the vanity of naive young people. I pity the kids who get sucked in by them, and I pity their poor parents,” Helen said.

Quinn then entered the kitchen. “Mom! Dad! The most terrible thing is happening at school!” She said.

You mean the Modelling Classes? Daria told us,” Helen said.

Quinn nodded. “You need to do something about it,” she said.

'This is something unusual,' Daria thought. It wasn't often that she and Quinn had agreed on anything.

You mean the Modelling Classes? Daria told us,” Helen said.

Quinn nodded. “You need to do something about it,” she said.

The phone rang.

'Who could that be?' Daria wondered.

Helen picked it up. “Hello?”

Am I speaking to the mother of Quinn Morgendorffer?” came Romonica's voice from the phone.

Yes, this is Quinn's mother.”

This is Romonica... “ She then let out a sharp squeal. “Romonica DeGregory, with the New York Amazon Fashion Agency. Have I called at a bad time, Mrs. Morgendorffer?

Please, call me Helen,” Helen said wondering when Romonica would get to the point. “What can I do for you, Monica?”

Please, call me Romonica. Helen, your daughter has been selected along with a mere handful of girls to participate in a complimentary class in the Lawndale High auditorium.

A complimentary class?” Helen asked dubiously.

Absolutely complimentary, Helen, and an experience that we expect will generate many compliments.

Helen interrupted. “But Quinn hasn't shown any interest in the modeling classes and she already has extracurricular activities.”

I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but we feel that Quinn is something quite special!

We think she's pretty special, too, but so is my other daughter, Daria. She hasn't got any extracurriculars.”

Daria, but she is so plain!

That's my final offer,” Helen said.

Then the phone was disconnected from the other end...

What a strange woman.”

Mom, what were you saying about me and extracurriculars?” Daria asked warily.

You are going to join those classes, keep an eye on what Ms. Li is intending. It would also give you an extracurricular activity.”

Daria grumbled.

You are going to be in the classes. End of discussion.”

Romonica hung up on Helen Morgendorffer as the beautician ripped another strip of wax from her body. “Aeeeeee!” 'I will get Quinn into the classes!' she decided.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Quinn met Cindy and Kristen halfway to school, near Cindy's street. “Hi, Quinn,” Cindy said.

Hi, guys!”

What's up?” Kristen asked.

It's these modelling classes. That Romonica called last night and tried to get my Mom to put me into the classes,” Quinn said, shaking her head.

She didn't succeed did she?” Cindy asked with concern.

Of course not!” Quinn said. She then showed a whimsical expression. “Although, my Mom did tell her that Daria will be in the classes.”

Daria? In the modelling class?” Kristen shook her head. “I'll believe it when I see it,” she said, with some curiosity in her voice.

Mom said that she is putting Daria in the classes to keep an eye on Ms. Li. I'm sure she's planning something,” Quinn said.

From what I have seen of your Mom, I wouldn't past her,” Kristen said.

Yeah,” Quinn said in agreement.

Daria cannot have agreed with that,” Kristen said.

She protested, but ultimately agreed,” Quinn said.

She must have her own plan,” Cindy said, wondering.

You can be certain of it,” Quinn said.

Daria, you are rather quiet,” Jennifer said as she drove herself and Daria to school.

Daria looked at Jennifer.

A lot quieter than usual.”


You're making me look like a chatterbox,” Jennifer said.

Oh. It's just that my Mom has told me to join those modelling classes,” Daria said.

Jennifer lightly chuckled, but stopped when she noticed Daria's serious expression. “You're serious, aren't you.”

I wish I wasn't, and to make it more difficult; Romonica will still want Quinn to be in my place.”

She wanted Quinn in the classes?”

Daria nodded.

But Quinn is as against them as we are,” Jennifer said.

Doesn't make sense.”

So why...” Jennifer began.

Quinn has extra-curriculars. I do not. Therefore I have to join the modelling classes.”

Jennifer sighed. “I guess I will have to join too.”

Daria gave her friend an incredulous look.

I was there, at the Mall of the Millennium, Daria. You were about to fight the executives...”

And you think that I would do the same to Claude and Romonica...”

Jennifer nodded as she saw the school in the distance.

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