Vis Pacem, Para Bellum review
The eighth episode of the series, continuing the storyline of the war
against the Klingons. The opening, where Discovery tries to
save the Gagarin, was done very well. The bridge crew clearly
try their best to stop the Bird of preys from taking out the Gagarin.
It is quite obviously the cloaking devices that give the Klingons the
advantage here. Lorca's tactic of placing the Discovery in
harms way to protect the other ship was a good idea (and one that we
have seen the other captains we have seen use).
Too bad it doesn't work and the Gagarin is destroyed. (Lorca
then asks Airiam to take the conn. Is she the third in command?)
However, there is the other storyline, with Saru, Burnham and Tyler
on Pahvo. An actual planet based mission with a mysterious subspace
transmitter to investigate? It is a change from the ship focused
episodes preceding it, and it's reflective of the various planetary
exploration episodes of the previous series (particularly the
Original and Animated Series, but parts of Voyager and
Enterprise also).
The nature of the planet and it's inhabitants are also well
established, as is the effect it has on Saru (more on this below).
But before that, the discussion lead by Burnham about the creatures
and their nature was done rather well. Back on Discovery, Tilly
is wondering, what is up with Staments, why did he call her 'Captain'
earlier? It is obvious that being the navigator for the Spore Drive
is having some kind of effect on him. (And also that he doesn't want
to Culbur in a very difficult position, but enough about that).
Cornwell is on the Klingon Ship of the Dead. L'Rell is there also.
The latter tries to help the former to escape. (Did she really
want to defect to the Federation, or is it one of House Moquai's
schemes? Probably the latter.) Still these scenes were done rather
well. Then Kol catches her in the act and Cornwell is electrocuted.
Quite a... shocking scene. But what is more shoking to L'Rell is that
she finds former friends dead. Also quite effectively acted. But back
to Saru, the aliens do something to him, taking away his fear.
Burnham then has to get to the transmitter, leaving Tyler behind to
delay Saru. These scenes are also quite well done. (Showing Saru
running at speed.) The Discovery responding to the distress
call, and rescuing the landing party (I'm sure the term 'Away Team'
wasn't said, was good, as well as Lorca's incredulosity at the Aliens
signalling the Klingons so as to try to bring about peace. 9/10.
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