Monday, 27 November 2017

Star Trek Discovery Chapter 1 review, analysis

Chapter One (1.03 – 1.09) Overall review
The first half of the season (after the Prologue) is mainly about the role that the Discovery crew play in the war between the Federation and the Klingons. Not much is seen of the various battles (other than Corvan II, with the Federation's Dilithium supply at risk, and the Gagarin's fate). Then there is the Spore Drive, but more on that below. There are certainly a lot of questions raised that weren't answered before the Discovery made that fateful 'last' jump, but some of them may be answered while the ship is lost in the second half of the season.
There is character development over the seven episodes, although certainly some more than others. Specifically: Burnham. She may come off as unlikeable, but she softens over the course of time, with other characters having an impact on her. A case in point, her adoptive father, Sarek. As stated in the review for Lethe the backstory added for him, is interesting, and it makes sense. (Why she wasn't mentioned by Spock remains a mystery though. Then there is her roommate Tilly, whom she is mentoring.
Other than hints at her being captain someday (by Burnham and a momentarily confused Stamets), she isn't developed that much. Captain Lorca remains a mystery. What happened on the Buran? And why is he so desperate to keep Discovery? (There is also the fact that he altered the coordinate's just before Discovery made an erroneous Spore-jump.) More to learn in the second half of the series. Admiral Cornwell made a good impression though. Even despite being captured by the Klingons and being partially paralysed she was able to assist Tyler with his PTSD.
The way Stamets was portrayed was interesting, with the effect being the Spore Drive Navigator quite distinct. Saru was developed well also, particularly on Pahvo, with him wanting to stay fearless... Tyler – Is he Voq, or not? There may be hints with L'Rell, particularly with the last scene with her in the Discovery brig, but I'm still sure he isn't. L'Rell may be playing another game. It could be that the Mudd we see, isn't the same Mudd we would see with the Enterprise crew. That he's Voq.

(Or maybe not.) We don't know much about Detmer, other than that Burnham was surprised to find that she had survived. Or about Airiam (other than her possibly being the Third in Command). Kol leading the Klingon's against the Federation (or trying to unite them that way), was done well enough. The Spore drive is a major part of this series. How it is used and ultimately why it isn't used later on is a good way to draw one in. 8.6/10.

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