The Portal Complex
(Interstellar Portals 2.0)
This thread is for serious discussion only.
In the years after the sea level stabilises at its current OTL level
(soon after the beginning of the Holocene, maybe around 9000 BC),
ASBs create 99 portals from Earth to similar* life**-bearing planets
(or satellites of planets) which orbit around all of the G, K and F
type stars within 40 light years of the Solar System. See the map
below for portal locations (There may be less than 99 dots, in which
case there may be more than one portal for some dots, and there may
be some in Antarctica [which may well be discovered from the other
Specifics of portal connections
A portal connects to the planets in areas that are similar
ecologically, and also in air pressure (with variances for weather
systems.) Water bodies connected by the portals also have similar
salinity levels.
And so in like fashion there is a network of portals covering all the
life-bearing planets in the Milky Way Galaxy, that are orbiting F, G
and K type stars, though the maximum distance covered is 40 light
years. (The minimum number of portals, and therefore worlds, between
Earth and a planet 70000 light years away would be above 1750)
Early Historical Set-up
Soon after the creation of the portals, they are discovered by tribes
that live nearby, and as the years, centuries and millennia pass,
humanity spreads through the portals to the worlds beyond.
(There may be other sapient and technological species out there, but
they may be over 500 light years away, or over 12 jumps from Earth)
The first discovery of a portal by Europeans is when the Icelanders
discover two portals in Westfjords shortly after Settlement in 874.
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