Saturday, 6 October 2018

Test Thread Rise of Weirdness MG - v0.1

May 2 - August 4, 1939
Through May and June the discovery of magic as a result of the Sumerian dig begins to shake the various societies around the world.

During his tour of Canada, George VI is continually updated about the situation with the Sumerian Dig.

President Roosevelt is similarly updated, through the period.

So are the presidents of the Latin American countries.

Hitler orders his agents to gain all advantage, by obtaining examples of the Sumerian magic.
The Nazis move up their invasion of Poland.

So do the Soviets.

Britain announces that they and France will declare war on Germany if Poland is invaded.

Mussolini decides to hold off on joining with Germany in any conflict...

Magical sandstorms occur throughout the Sahara from late June onwards.

In Mesopotamia, a Sumerian Library is discovered. A veritable treasure trove of Cuneiform tablets. Some of these are soon translated. However, it is soon found that something is different about these Tablets. When one of the archaeologists dusts off one of them it glows briefly before a whirlwind appears. The next day, more tablets glow and a rainstorm occurs...

The powers that be in Japan also gain an interest in the Tablets.

The Australian and New Zealand Governments also gain an interest in the magical phenomena.

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