Saturday, 15 January 2022

Church notes - 16th January 2022


Psalm 139

Isaiah 9:1 - 6

Jesus fulfilled Old Testament prophesies.

He is an efficacious priest.

His sacrifice was His own self and His lifeblood.

God Himself

King, Priest and Prophet

Jesus fulfilled the Messianic prophecies.

He was

- Meek

- Mindful

- Merciful

Matthew 11:9

Matthew 21:4, 5


- A total lack of self pride

- Denotes a strength of disciplined calmness and passion for others. A demonstration of disciplined strength and gentleness.

- Going to the Cross willingly.


- Conscious and aware.


When he was in the Temple at 12 years old He knew what His purpose was.

Matthew 16:21 - 23

He focused on the Father's purposes. On the plan for our Salvation.


- Compassion

- Forgiveness

- Kind or forgiving treatment

- Pardoning.

His mercy never runs out.

The perfect sacrfice.

John 20:31

Matthew 16:24, 25

Psalm 73:25

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