Wednesday, 2 November 2016

2nd November 2016 Writings


Excerpt from: Troubles Through Time

You're in that class again from tomorrow afternoon.”

Alex nodded, knowing that his Dad would raise his voice if he didn't respond.

“This should be the last time!” his Dad said, raising his voice slightly.

That took Alex aback. “Father?” he asked.

“You don't have low self esteem. There's a mistake! You will pass out of that class, and find an extracurricular activity that I know you can achieve at.”

Alex thought. His father was always trying to get him to do an extracurricular activity. But he had always said that the Self Esteem Class had taken up his time. How he wanted him out of the class? 'I have to find something!' he realised. “Yes, Father,' he said in a dispassionate voice.

“And you will find a friend,” his Dad said.

“Yes, Father.”

“Stop repeating that!”

“I will pass out of the self esteem class,” said, no less dispassionately.

Words: 158

Excerpt from: The Kelsington Conspiracy

Fiona was dubious. “Could you clarify?”

“I shall tell you after class,” the KI agent said. She then left the classroom.

Fiona was very annoyed. 'I didn't want this at all.'

Words: 33

Excerpt from: Reflections of Armidale

She clicked on the Christian Penpals site. There were a large number of threads already. 'Of course there are.'

Words: 19

Excerpt from: Defiant Map Game (Alternate version of Mystery of the Defiant)

None of the other eleven minds she could sense were of the crew she and her brother were travelling with. She jolted awake, and looked around. Somehow the décor looked familiar, as if it was from some vid-series from Earth-That-Was she had watched when she was younger. She brought her hands up to her temples. “Wrong! Very wrong!”

Many of the minds were human, similar to those on Serenity. However two of them were more like her, but different. The two of them were reacting in different ways to her presence. 'Leave me alone!' she thought to the older one. She could also sense two (or three) different AI, one more advanced than the other two. 'Wait, there is a difference,' She had to go to the cockpit, or Bridge. She quickly found a turbolift. “Bridge.”

Intruder is enroute to the Bridge,” the computer said in the Brig area.

“Understood,” Sisko said. He looked at the PADD which showed an image of the young girl in the turbolift. He showed it to Daria, Tomoko and Watney. He wasn't sure of the situation. Trump and Waller working together, and they were on the Bridge.

“Could you redirect the turbolift?” Daria asked.

“Of course, but I need the functions on the Operations console.”


Fifteenth Hour
Kim Pine was not sure why she groped for her drumsticks as she woke up.

Words: 234

Excerpt from: The Many Doctors: Chapter 27

Something that needs a host body, but how did it get inside him?”

Stop talking like he's some kind of experiment!”

Where's the ship been? Have you made planet-fall recently? Docked with any other vessels? Any kind of external contact at all?”

What is this? An interrogation?” McDonnell asked.

We've got to stop him before he kills again,” the Doctor said.

We're just a cargo ship,” McDonnell said as she fought back tears.

Doctor, if you'll give her a minute,” Scannell said.

I'm fine,” McDonnell said. “I need to warn the crew.” She took a microphone. “Everybody, listen to me. Something has infected Korwin. We think he killed Abi Learner/ None of you is to go anywhere near him. Is that clear?”

Felicia and Riley heard it as they opened another door. “That's not good,” Riley said.

You know Korwin?” Felicia asked.

It's a small ship,” Riley said by way of explaining, as he started running to the next door.

Is the infection permanent? Can you cure him?”

I don't know,” the Doctor said.

Don't lie to me, Doctor.”

Words: 194

Excerpt from: Virtual Armidale

“So?” Danielle asked.

“It's possible that he gave a pseudonym,” Hayden considered.

Danielle nodded. “It could be anybody.”


Words: 23

Total: 661

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