Saturday, 12 November 2016

Church notes - 13th November 2016

13th Novmber
The Christ Powered Life
Romans 7
Struggling With Sin
Double Lives. Respected Christians Exposed.
vs 21

How do we fight against the double life
1) Acknowledge what can and cannot help you
vs 12
vs 7, 8
The Law alerts us to sin. The sin then draws us towards it.
2) Admit your struggle with sin
Paul was frustrated. It is a frustration for us too. Our actions don't match our identity. Paul was upset with himself. We also need that anguish. Admit sin to God, and to each other. Don't hide it! Don't be prideful and ashamed.

God wants us to fight against it.

3) Answer the struggle with death.
vs 4
Realise that we are dead to sin.
vs 24, 25
Sin is on a time limit. It was defeated at the Cross.

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